Paramhansa Swami Yogananda: Life-portrait and Reminiscences - Yoga Niketan
The writer of this book gathered most of the material for this book directly from his personal talks with Swami Yoganandaji himself, as well as from personal talks with Yoganandajis childhood companion Satyanandaji and Swamijis relatives, friends and students. But most importantly, this writer was made aware of many hitherto unknown things via three particularly essential ways. First: this writer was blessed with Yoganandajis affection and trust. Second: this writer was directly initiated by Swamijis guru Sriyukteshvarji and he was regularly in Sriyukteshvarjis physical company. During this time, this writer was privileged to hear his Gurudev speak descriptively about Yoganandaji carrying out his duties when he was still living in India, as well as Sriyukteshvarjis own feelings at the time and the Divine Grace around such activities. And third: this writer was the exceptional recipient of Swami Satyanandajis great affection and trust. At an incalculably precious moment in a time when the secret methods of Kriya Yoga sadhana were being spread in India and subsequently in the world, the goddess of fate placed upon this writer this undertaking.
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