Sacred Buddha - Sina Vodjani
Sina Vodjani - musician with the rich professional past. It were borne in Persii in 1954. Father is Persian, mother Frenchwoman. Childhood Sina passed immediately in three cities: Paris, Teheran and San Francisco, that it could not but be reflected in the creation, where interlaced immediately several absolutely not similar to each other cultures. In disk is a subtitle "it is devoted TO THE XVII Gyalwa Karmapa". Gyalwa Karmapa Is leader of one of four traditional directions of Buddhism [ Of karma By kag'yu - M.]. Line Gyalwa Karmapa is continuous here already 800 years. The previous leader of flow left the earth in 1981, after leaving after himself detailed indications relative to its reinkarnatsii. Thus, after 11 years, in 1992 was found Ogyen Trinley Dorje, WITH THE XVII Gyalwa Karmapa. Sina Vodjani - pianist and violinist - worked at the first disk with voice Karmapa. Those more interesting it was to him to be encountered and to write down the voice of his embodiment. Everything succeeded. Encounter took place, and result became the disk, to which entered 11 compositions.
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